Devlog 1 - Player movement and more!
Goooood evening! this devlog is to highlight the initial efforts into the 'One Drunken Knight' videogame! This first devlog will focus primarily on player movement, however I will include the initial setups for other functions of the game, including combat, interaction with objects in the environment, and enemies!
For the player movement, I created the player movement sprites myself - the quality shows. With a left and right walk cycle, projected onto an 8 way movement spectrum, the movement, while rudimentary, seems relatively easy to interpret within the game world, plus the character looks pretty cute traipsing around the environment!
I feel this is a brilliant time to point out and give props to the background tile art. It is part of an art set uploaded to by Chris Hammons. I've used this art set extensively for this game, due to its varied art and enemies which I have used for different levels in this game, check it out at the link below!
Furthermore, I have used furniture from various artists for this tavern level, such as chairs and tables from dorkster and candles and candelabras from ETTiNGRiNDER - links below!
Initially I was planning to include the furniture and environment entirely as another tile-set within the levels of the game, however as some deliberation, I decided to leave some out of the tile-set, such as the tables, chairs, and candles etc, as the thought of kicking them around seemed fun, and I wasn't entirely sure how to implement this as a tile-set without them being static immovable sprites.
As such, I've made furniture prefabs, with rigid bodies and colliders, and so the player can run into them, and punch and kick them! The interactions are generally rudimentary at this point, but it's a good start!
Finally, I have implemented the first enemy of the game! A dastardly cat-person mage (actually an overworked staff member our courageous hero has misidentified in a drunken stupor), they will run at you with their basic but alarming animation, almost as if their entire animation cycle was just the sprite flipped....For now, they're immortal, and while I have managed to code in for the punching animation to not count as damage to the player, the enemies can still encroach on your colliders and cause damage, resulting in a hurt animation. Get hurt enough times, and a defeated animation plays on loop, a feature I plan to tidy up in the near future.Excuse the basic UI health counter poking into the top right of the video. UI polish is a while off but that most definitely will be changed in the future.Aaaaand that's it! Feel free to check out the basic build ill post for the game, and feedback is greatly appreciated!
One Drunken Knight
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- DocumentationOct 23, 2024
- Devlog - game conceptOct 23, 2024
- Game TestingOct 16, 2024
- Week 11 - Presentation/GraphicsOct 13, 2024
- Devlog 3 - Enemies and InteractionsOct 06, 2024
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